To me, “FEARLESS” is not the absence of fear
It’s not being completely unafraid.
To me, FEARLESS is having fears. FEARLESS is having doubts.
Lots of them. To me, FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.
FEARLESS is falling madly in love again, even though you’ve been hurt before.
FEARLESS is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen.
FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again… even though every time you’ve tried before, you’ve lost.
It’s FEARLESS to have faith that someday things will change.
FEARLESS is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them.
I think it’s FEARLESS to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else.
And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they’ll never stop doing, I think it’s FEARLESS to stop believing them.
It’s FEARLESS to say “you’re NOT sorry”, and walk away.
I think loving someone despite what people think is FEARLESS.
I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is FEARLESS.
Letting go is FEARLESS.
Then, moving on and being alright…That’sFEARLESS too.
But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it.
You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after.
That’s why I write these songs. Because I think love is FEARLESS
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Is about my Story and my Princess Taylor Swift (:
Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
New Friend ?
Sekarang aku udah ngerasa kaya dulu :D punya temen yg bisa diajak bercanda,curhat,dll.
Meskipun ini rada beda sama temen yg dulu,waktu kelas 4 dan 5 ini gak bikin kesepian kalo dikelas :)
Dikelas baru skrg aku sama Ami,Rissa,Shaffa :D
kadang kadang kalo lagi jail ,main sama Nuke
kalo lagi acara random ,sama Dira
Kalo lagi les sama Nabila ,Adel sama Nisa
tapi PALING SERING itu sama Ami,Rissa ,Shaffa :D
Paling gemes sama Rissa ,pipi-nya itu ... gue bisa cubitin sepuasnya ,apalagi sama bibirnya yg eksotis ,bisa dia mainin sesuka dia -_- hahaha,paling suka liat Rissa waktu lagi monyong xD
Paling enak diajak ngobrol itu Shaffa ..Orangnya cereweeeeet banget,gak beda jauh sama aku,hahahaha,paling suka sama gerakan mulut Shaffa yg kayaknya lentur banget udah dibiasain buat ngomong,hahaha
Paling enak diajak ngobrol,diskusi,curhat dll. itu AMI ,Paling suka ngedengerin Ami cerita ,apalagi sama ketawa-nya Ami ,lucu broo ,hahaha
pertama-nya aku GAK PERNAH bergaul sama mereka ..1 pun !
Aku deket sama Ami gara gara waktu rolling tempat duduk aku dapet duduk sama dia
pas minggu kedua ( mingu ini ) di rolling lagi,aku dapet duduk sama Rissa jd deket sama Rissa....
kalo Shaffa,dia selalu duduk dibelakang aku -_- kebagiannya PASTI DIBELAKANG AKU,dia cerewet banget,omongannya kedengeran jelas sampe depan ,ENAK BANGET DIAJAK N G E R U M P I :p
Thank you all ;) You'll make my day
Meskipun ini rada beda sama temen yg dulu,waktu kelas 4 dan 5 ini gak bikin kesepian kalo dikelas :)
Dikelas baru skrg aku sama Ami,Rissa,Shaffa :D
kadang kadang kalo lagi jail ,main sama Nuke
kalo lagi acara random ,sama Dira
Kalo lagi les sama Nabila ,Adel sama Nisa
tapi PALING SERING itu sama Ami,Rissa ,Shaffa :D
Paling gemes sama Rissa ,pipi-nya itu ... gue bisa cubitin sepuasnya ,apalagi sama bibirnya yg eksotis ,bisa dia mainin sesuka dia -_- hahaha,paling suka liat Rissa waktu lagi monyong xD
Paling enak diajak ngobrol itu Shaffa ..Orangnya cereweeeeet banget,gak beda jauh sama aku,hahahaha,paling suka sama gerakan mulut Shaffa yg kayaknya lentur banget udah dibiasain buat ngomong,hahaha
Paling enak diajak ngobrol,diskusi,curhat dll. itu AMI ,Paling suka ngedengerin Ami cerita ,apalagi sama ketawa-nya Ami ,lucu broo ,hahaha
pertama-nya aku GAK PERNAH bergaul sama mereka ..1 pun !
Aku deket sama Ami gara gara waktu rolling tempat duduk aku dapet duduk sama dia
pas minggu kedua ( mingu ini ) di rolling lagi,aku dapet duduk sama Rissa jd deket sama Rissa....
kalo Shaffa,dia selalu duduk dibelakang aku -_- kebagiannya PASTI DIBELAKANG AKU,dia cerewet banget,omongannya kedengeran jelas sampe depan ,ENAK BANGET DIAJAK N G E R U M P I :p
Thank you all ;) You'll make my day
Senin, 25 Juli 2011
my sweet 6D
pertama masuk emang kayaknya biasa aja,masih pada diem semua,hari kedua cuma anak laki laki yg ngeramein,lama lama anak perempuan seru juga :D
Mulai dari cowo-nya yg tengil,sampe cewe yg gayanya Soft mereka semua itu seru (y)
padahal aku tuh gak punya orang yg disukain,tapi kenapa harus jadi gossip ? .-. *jungkirbalik*
Tapi seru loh,kalo misalnya gak ada mereka,pasti 6D gak bakalan seru ,gak ada yg ngeramein
Kalo gak ada mereka ,pasti kelas 6D bakalan diem aja,gua sendiri gak bakalan banyak omong kalo gak ada mereka -___-
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
Bu Neng's Wedding
23 July 2011 - Bu Neng's Wedding
Nah,akad nikah-nya bu Neng jam 9 ..tapi gimana lagi,pada sekolah kan ? akhirnya pada sekolah dulu,pulang sekolah baru aku ke Rumah bu Neng (leuwiliang ) sama Dinda sama Salma dan Ersa,aduh di perjalanan pusing banget,gak tau kenapa. Padahal gak terlalu naik turun kok
Nah,kira kira 45 menit jam perjalanan,kita sampe di sebuah gang,yg kanan kirinya ... KUBURAN
jauh jauh,perasaan gak ada tanda tanda ada orang nikahan,akhirnya tanya sama orang,katanya ada di gang YANG ITU TUH 'yang mana coba -____-'
Akhirnya ketemu deh,pas nyampe situ langsung duduk,ada Aan,diseblah aan kaga tau namanya siapa,terus ada hani,itu doang muridnya bu neng,sisanya penduduk rumah sekitar atau sodara sodaranya yg turut diundang juga.
Gak lama,disuruh makan,nah ambil makan Bakso + bihun +es duren + air putih
pas lagi makan tiba tiba Gina dateng ...halo-haloan ajeu laaah,eh gak lama ka Avia,ka Sasha,ka Tengku,ka Jasmine sama ka Bella dateng,nyamperin deh. Ngobrol gatau lah ngobrolin apa,sampe akhirnya kita pulang (kira kira di nikahan bu Neng cuma 1 jam ) karna perjalanan dari leuwiliang ke Bogor itu gak deket ! jadi setengah 4 kita pulang
Nah,di mobil Dinda sempit sempitan,mobil Dinda Terios,diisi sama 13 orang ( Aku ,dinda,mamanya dinda,supir,ka sasha,ka avia,ka tengku,ka jasmine,ka bella,salma,ersa,mamanya ka tengku,mamanya Salma )
Sempit sempitan ,tapi gak berasa ! soalnya rame,sampe akhirnya Salma ,Ersa sama Mamanya Salma turun ditengah jalan,karna Ayahnya salma ngejemput,lumayan lega,walaupun masih sedikit ... SEMPIT
nah DISINI BAGIAN SERU-NYAA ! pada ngomongin SMPN 2 ,yg bikin aku sama Dinda jd pengen masuk smpn 2 juga -___-
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
New friend on new class mode : OFF !
Apa nih ya ...masa GUA DIKELAS GAK DAPET TEMEN BARU ! Sejak oertama masuk sampe sekarang,aku tuh main sama dira doang,kalo istirahat ke kelas Dinda ! sedangkan kalo Dira dikelas main sama temen temen baru,dia udah dapet banyak temen baru,kalo aku ? :JANGAN DISEBUTIN: #ABAIKAN hampir seisi kelas sih udah diajak ngobrol ,udah aku usahain buat bergaul sama mereka,tp gimana lagi,mereka cuma bilang HAHAHA , kalo ngga IYA,atau OH gimana gak sebel coba ? aku tuh udah usaha buat nge-gaulin mereka ,tapitapitapi mereka aja yang gak mau gaul ! mereka maunya sama temen temen sendiri,ohlala,masa sih selama setahun penuh harus kaya gini ?!?!?! semoga ngga.
Senin, 18 Juli 2011
First Day on 6th grade
You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors,it's the morning of your very first day :D
sama banget kaya aku ...sebelum masuk kelas ...tarik nafas dulu dalem dalem,siap siap masuk sama Dinda ( karna kelasnya sebelahan ) pas diliat ....MANA KELAS 6D ? KO GAK DISEBELAH 6C ? AAAAA
kelasnya gak sebelahan sama dindaaaa :(( Rak sepatu doang yg sebelahan :(( #NGENES.
ternyata ..ternyata.ternyata... #sesaknafas kelas 6D yg dulu udah ditempatin 6G ,aaaaaaaa !!! kelas 6D dipindahin ke 6E yg dulu ..bener deh gak kebiasa sama tempat duduk-nyaa,terakhir make tempat duduk yg kaya gitu tuh pas kelas 2 !!!
aduh ,udah gak sebelahan sama dinda,ditambah gak kebiasa sama meja-nyaa ! more... #masih sesak nafas DUDUKNYA TERLALU DIDEPAN !!! GAK ENAAAAAK !!
pertama masuk sih gak begitu peduli sama kelas sendiri,langsung aja lari ke 6C ke kelas Dinda,eh taunya udah ketemu Dinda di tengah jalan,hoho,terus Solat bareng ..berlima seperti sedia kala :D #elah
abis selesai solat,mau gak mau harus pisaaaah,aku ke kelas 6D ..disitu cuma ada Dira ( yg asalnya dari 5A ) ada ali sih,tp dia itu kan cowoo -__-
Dira itu orangnya rada pendiem ...kurang cerewet bagi aku :D :D hahaha
dan 1 lagi ..GUA MASIH BINGUNG MAU BERGAUL SAMA SIAPAAA !!! anak kelas 6D tuh kayanya pendiem semua gitu ada yg cereweeeeeet
adanya juga anak laki laki yg cerewet -_- tengil dan berisik pula -_-
sama banget kaya aku ...sebelum masuk kelas ...tarik nafas dulu dalem dalem,siap siap masuk sama Dinda ( karna kelasnya sebelahan ) pas diliat ....MANA KELAS 6D ? KO GAK DISEBELAH 6C ? AAAAA
kelasnya gak sebelahan sama dindaaaa :(( Rak sepatu doang yg sebelahan :(( #NGENES.
ternyata ..ternyata.ternyata... #sesaknafas kelas 6D yg dulu udah ditempatin 6G ,aaaaaaaa !!! kelas 6D dipindahin ke 6E yg dulu ..bener deh gak kebiasa sama tempat duduk-nyaa,terakhir make tempat duduk yg kaya gitu tuh pas kelas 2 !!!
aduh ,udah gak sebelahan sama dinda,ditambah gak kebiasa sama meja-nyaa ! more... #masih sesak nafas DUDUKNYA TERLALU DIDEPAN !!! GAK ENAAAAAK !!
pertama masuk sih gak begitu peduli sama kelas sendiri,langsung aja lari ke 6C ke kelas Dinda,eh taunya udah ketemu Dinda di tengah jalan,hoho,terus Solat bareng ..berlima seperti sedia kala :D #elah
abis selesai solat,mau gak mau harus pisaaaah,aku ke kelas 6D ..disitu cuma ada Dira ( yg asalnya dari 5A ) ada ali sih,tp dia itu kan cowoo -__-
Dira itu orangnya rada pendiem ...kurang cerewet bagi aku :D :D hahaha
dan 1 lagi ..GUA MASIH BINGUNG MAU BERGAUL SAMA SIAPAAA !!! anak kelas 6D tuh kayanya pendiem semua gitu ada yg cereweeeeeet
adanya juga anak laki laki yg cerewet -_- tengil dan berisik pula -_-
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011
huh -,-
Hari inii tuh yaa,aku udah ngeganti template blog kira kira 7 kali lebih kali ya,nyari yg cocok tp gak ada,ada yg sidebar-nya kecil,tulisan nya gak jelas,warna juga mencolok,emang sih kalo sidebar kecil,widget bisa diubah javascript-nya supaya lebih kecil,tp kan kalo kecil jeleeek :((
akhirnya aku beralih ke Template yg lama ...SUNDAY LOUNGE :D itu tuh aku suka,gak terlalu rame ,cuma atasnya doang rame ,terus warna gak mencolok,istilah-nya STANDART ...apalagi disitu ada cewe minum kopi,sama banget kaya sayaaaa,COFFEE LOVERS <3
Nah ,abis itu mikir,mau ngapain lagi yaa,yaudah iseng ke ,pengen ganti lagu,dan untungnya ada lagu THE STORY OF US ! itu baru di add ke videokeman ! seneng bangeeet ({}) apalagi tadinya belom ada tuh lagu The Story of Us ,dan terlebih lagi ..emang aku udah ngincr lama tuh lagu ..supaya sama kaya nama blog aku :D aku cari lagu itu ke widgetindex gak ada,ke videokeman baru di add ternyata,woohoo :D
langsung deh di copy code-nya ! saking senengnya sampe ini post dibikin ._. #apabanget
akhirnya aku beralih ke Template yg lama ...SUNDAY LOUNGE :D itu tuh aku suka,gak terlalu rame ,cuma atasnya doang rame ,terus warna gak mencolok,istilah-nya STANDART ...apalagi disitu ada cewe minum kopi,sama banget kaya sayaaaa,COFFEE LOVERS <3
Nah ,abis itu mikir,mau ngapain lagi yaa,yaudah iseng ke ,pengen ganti lagu,dan untungnya ada lagu THE STORY OF US ! itu baru di add ke videokeman ! seneng bangeeet ({}) apalagi tadinya belom ada tuh lagu The Story of Us ,dan terlebih lagi ..emang aku udah ngincr lama tuh lagu ..supaya sama kaya nama blog aku :D aku cari lagu itu ke widgetindex gak ada,ke videokeman baru di add ternyata,woohoo :D
langsung deh di copy code-nya ! saking senengnya sampe ini post dibikin ._. #apabanget
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
Thug Story - Taylor Swift ft. T-Pain
[Taylor Swift ft T Pain]
I'm like 8 foot 4, blond hair to the floor
you shorties never thought I dreamed about
rapping hardcore
no I ain't got a gun
no I never really been in a club
still live with my parents
but I'm still a thug
i'm so gansta you can find me baking cookies at night
you out clubbing, well I just made caramel delight t swift and t pain
rappin on the same track
it's a thug story, tell me can you handle that
I had a dream last night I had high-top Nikes
I had diamonds in my mouth, and diamonds on my mic
by the time I woke I was singing "I'M ON A BOOOOAAT"
cuz I'm a singer turned rapper
shorty I'm a make ya
straight to the top, yo
shorty I'ma take ya
you can call me T Sweezy now I'm a rap star
it's a thug story now tell 'em who you are
singer turned gangsta
you don't wanna fight me
straight to the top
in my extra small white tee
t swift and t pain all up on the same track
it's a thug story now can you get with that
what! what! I knit sweaters yo!
what! what! don't test me [bleep]
hey hold on, hold on I didn't even say anything
I said "yo"
you guys bleeped me and I didn't even say anything
I didn't even swear
[Taylor Swift ft T Pain]
I'm like 8 foot 4, blond hair to the floor
you shorties never thought I dreamed about
rapping hardcore
no I ain't got a gun
no I never really been in a club
still live with my parents
but I'm still a thug
i'm so gansta you can find me baking cookies at night
you out clubbing, well I just made caramel delight t swift and t pain
rappin on the same track
it's a thug story, tell me can you handle that
I had a dream last night I had high-top Nikes
I had diamonds in my mouth, and diamonds on my mic
by the time I woke I was singing "I'M ON A BOOOOAAT"
cuz I'm a singer turned rapper
shorty I'm a make ya
straight to the top, yo
shorty I'ma take ya
you can call me T Sweezy now I'm a rap star
it's a thug story now tell 'em who you are
singer turned gangsta
you don't wanna fight me
straight to the top
in my extra small white tee
t swift and t pain all up on the same track
it's a thug story now can you get with that
what! what! I knit sweaters yo!
what! what! don't test me [bleep]
hey hold on, hold on I didn't even say anything
I said "yo"
you guys bleeped me and I didn't even say anything
I didn't even swear
Thug Story - Taylor Swift ft. T-Pain
[Taylor Swift ft T Pain]
I'm like 8 foot 4, blond hair to the floor
you shorties never thought I dreamed about
rapping hardcore
no I ain't got a gun
no I never really been in a club
still live with my parents
but I'm still a thug
i'm so gansta you can find me baking cookies at night
you out clubbing, well I just made caramel delight t swift and t pain
rappin on the same track
it's a thug story, tell me can you handle that
I had a dream last night I had high-top Nikes
I had diamonds in my mouth, and diamonds on my mic
by the time I woke I was singing "I'M ON A BOOOOAAT"
cuz I'm a singer turned rapper
shorty I'm a make ya
straight to the top, yo
shorty I'ma take ya
you can call me T Sweezy now I'm a rap star
it's a thug story now tell 'em who you are
singer turned gangsta
you don't wanna fight me
straight to the top
in my extra small white tee
t swift and t pain all up on the same track
it's a thug story now can you get with that
what! what! I knit sweaters yo!
what! what! don't test me [bleep]
hey hold on, hold on I didn't even say anything
I said "yo"
you guys bleeped me and I didn't even say anything
I didn't even swear
[Taylor Swift ft T Pain]
I'm like 8 foot 4, blond hair to the floor
you shorties never thought I dreamed about
rapping hardcore
no I ain't got a gun
no I never really been in a club
still live with my parents
but I'm still a thug
i'm so gansta you can find me baking cookies at night
you out clubbing, well I just made caramel delight t swift and t pain
rappin on the same track
it's a thug story, tell me can you handle that
I had a dream last night I had high-top Nikes
I had diamonds in my mouth, and diamonds on my mic
by the time I woke I was singing "I'M ON A BOOOOAAT"
cuz I'm a singer turned rapper
shorty I'm a make ya
straight to the top, yo
shorty I'ma take ya
you can call me T Sweezy now I'm a rap star
it's a thug story now tell 'em who you are
singer turned gangsta
you don't wanna fight me
straight to the top
in my extra small white tee
t swift and t pain all up on the same track
it's a thug story now can you get with that
what! what! I knit sweaters yo!
what! what! don't test me [bleep]
hey hold on, hold on I didn't even say anything
I said "yo"
you guys bleeped me and I didn't even say anything
I didn't even swear
Today was a fairytale - Taylor Swift
Today was a fairytale, you were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand, and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale, today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make, everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is now it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
[ From: ]
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart, it's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand, and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale, today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make, everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is now it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
[ From: ]
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart, it's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
The worst Day with you - Taylor Swift
She acts like shes 5 years old
since its cold shes got her big coat on
I hear people laugh at her
i look up bored
and she cries and runs
We star throwing stuff at her and she tries to hide
this starts to get old
She hugs her legs
and we put her to sleep
im forced to take her home
And shes stupid to know why the trees change in the fall.
And i know that she is scared
of every little thing and all
She thinks snow whites house very near how dumb
but i know we had the worst day
ever today.
she starts acting like shes 13 and thinks everyone is mean
She starts crying
And i push her away
and cut her with my keys
and she starts to drive and drive until she found a town far enough away
And she sulks and walks and tries to forget all our names
And she know if shes ever going to finish school
And she knows shell never laugh
cause we shrunk and she grew
she dont know how lng itll take to feel okay
[- From : -]
but she knows she had the wors day ever today
She had a bullying father
She thought she was getting stronger
Her mom beats up her little brother
inside and out hes more popular than she is
She grew up in an ugly house
and had no space to run
and she had the worst days with me
there was a video i found from back when we were three
she was trying to paint in the kitchen and she was talking to me
it was the age of teasing and bullying and throwing eggs at her window
And her dad was super dumb
and i was the most handsome boy
in the whole wide world
and now she knows why
all the trees change in the fall
and she knows i was never on her side
and always said she was wrong
and she hates me
for giving her the evil eyes
and making her feel like
she could shine
and i dont know if she knew
so im taking this chance to say
that i always have the worst days
when im with you.
since its cold shes got her big coat on
I hear people laugh at her
i look up bored
and she cries and runs
We star throwing stuff at her and she tries to hide
this starts to get old
She hugs her legs
and we put her to sleep
im forced to take her home
And shes stupid to know why the trees change in the fall.
And i know that she is scared
of every little thing and all
She thinks snow whites house very near how dumb
but i know we had the worst day
ever today.
she starts acting like shes 13 and thinks everyone is mean
She starts crying
And i push her away
and cut her with my keys
and she starts to drive and drive until she found a town far enough away
And she sulks and walks and tries to forget all our names
And she know if shes ever going to finish school
And she knows shell never laugh
cause we shrunk and she grew
she dont know how lng itll take to feel okay
[- From : -]
but she knows she had the wors day ever today
She had a bullying father
She thought she was getting stronger
Her mom beats up her little brother
inside and out hes more popular than she is
She grew up in an ugly house
and had no space to run
and she had the worst days with me
there was a video i found from back when we were three
she was trying to paint in the kitchen and she was talking to me
it was the age of teasing and bullying and throwing eggs at her window
And her dad was super dumb
and i was the most handsome boy
in the whole wide world
and now she knows why
all the trees change in the fall
and she knows i was never on her side
and always said she was wrong
and she hates me
for giving her the evil eyes
and making her feel like
she could shine
and i dont know if she knew
so im taking this chance to say
that i always have the worst days
when im with you.
Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift ( favorite song )
I know he loved you
A long time ago
I ain't jealous of you
Just thought you should know
You were never good enough for him or anything like me
So you might as well sit back 'cause I ain't tryin to
show maturity
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To write on his heart
In permanent marker
I found that picture
Of you in that green dress
Sure had a good time
Cleanin up that mess
He found 30 other pieces but he'll never find 'em all
Tried to tape them back together
Now he knows to keep it off the wall
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
[ From:]
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To write on his heart
In permanent marker
Well I don't appreciate you callin him to reminisce
The only reason is you're seein just how much better
off he is
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To Write on his heart
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To Write on his heart
In permanent marker
In permanent marker
Permanent marker
A long time ago
I ain't jealous of you
Just thought you should know
You were never good enough for him or anything like me
So you might as well sit back 'cause I ain't tryin to
show maturity
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To write on his heart
In permanent marker
I found that picture
Of you in that green dress
Sure had a good time
Cleanin up that mess
He found 30 other pieces but he'll never find 'em all
Tried to tape them back together
Now he knows to keep it off the wall
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
[ From:]
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To write on his heart
In permanent marker
Well I don't appreciate you callin him to reminisce
The only reason is you're seein just how much better
off he is
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To Write on his heart
X is the shape I drew through your face
In permanent marker
Oh yeah
Just like the mark you knew you were makin
Who do you think you are
To Write on his heart
In permanent marker
In permanent marker
Permanent marker
What do you say - Taylor Swift
What do you say, when you just know
That he's the one, and you wanna go fast
But he's taking it slow
And what do you do, when he's next to you
But he's a little bit shy
Well here's something you can try
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
What do you see, when you look in his eyes
There's something there
That he can't disguise
No matter how he trys
And what do you feel, when you know its real
And you can't sit still
If you don't own up will yeah
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
My imaginations, running away
Just dreaming about
What I want you to say
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
What do you say?
What do you say?
What do you say?
That he's the one, and you wanna go fast
But he's taking it slow
And what do you do, when he's next to you
But he's a little bit shy
Well here's something you can try
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
What do you see, when you look in his eyes
There's something there
That he can't disguise
No matter how he trys
And what do you feel, when you know its real
And you can't sit still
If you don't own up will yeah
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
My imaginations, running away
Just dreaming about
What I want you to say
Hey, hey what do you say
We go walking down the river all together
It's a warm May beautiful day
And I feel like I could
Talk to you forever
With the sun shining bright
It feels just like a day
When everything's gonna go just right
I know it will be a sweet memory
For you and me someday
What do you say?
What do you say?
What do you say?
What do you say?
- Resha Resmana
- Resha. 11. Indonesia. Person of Interest. Taylor Swift's die hard fan. I love PARIS.
You are...
13 Reason why i Like Taylor Swift
1.Her eyes
2.Her hair
3.Her smile
4.Her laugh
5.Her fashion sense
6.Her sense of humor
7.Her personality
8. Her songs
9.Her voice
10.Her Friends
11.Her quote
12.Her life
The Story Of Us
Taylor Swift .
Blog Archive
- Fearless
- New Friend ?
- my sweet 6D
- Bu Neng's Wedding
- New friend on new class mode : OFF !
- First Day on 6th grade
- huh -,-
- Thug Story - Taylor Swift ft. T-Pain
- Thug Story - Taylor Swift ft. T-Pain
- Today was a fairytale - Taylor Swift
- The worst Day with you - Taylor Swift
- Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift ( favorite song )
- What do you say - Taylor Swift
- Santa Baby - Taylor Swift
- Nevermind - Taylor Swift
- Need You Now - Taylor Swift
- My Own Way - Taylor Swift
- MIss Invisible - Taylor Swift
- Your Anything - Taylor Swift
- Look at you like that - Taylor Swift
- Lucky You - Taylor Swift ( Favorite song )
- Invisible - Taylor Swift
- I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
- i'd Lie - Taylor Swft
- i Heart Question Mark - Taylor Swift
- Honey Baby - Taylor Swift
- Firefly - Taylor Swift
- Don't hate me for loving you - Taylor Swift
- The Diary of Me - Taylor Swift
- Dark blue Tennessee - Taylor Swift
- Crazier - Taylor Swift
- Christmas must be something more - Taylor Swift
- Check out this view - Taylor Swift
- Can i go With You - Taylor Swift
- Brought up that way - Taylor Swift
- Breathless - Taylor Swift
- All night dinner - Taylor Swift
- American Boy - Taylor Swift
- American Girl - Taylor Swift
- baby don't you break my heart slow - Taylor Swift
- A Perfectly Good Heart - Taylor Swift
- Superman - Taylor Swift
- Ours - Taylor Swift
- Long Live - Taylor Swift
- Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
- Haunted - Taylor Swift
- Innocent - Taylor Swift
- Better Than Revenge - Taylor Swift
- Enchanted - Taylor Swift
- The Story of us - Taylor Swift
- Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift
- Dear John - Taylor Swift
- Speak Now - Taylor Swift
- Back To December - Taylor Swift
- Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
- Mine - Taylor Swift
- Beautiful Eyes - TayloR Swift
- Tim McGraw - Taylor Swift
- Tied together with a smile - Taylor Swift
- The Outside - Taylor Swift
- Teardrops on my guitar - Taylor Swift
- Stay Beautiful - Taylor Swift
- Should've said no - Taylor Swift
- Picture To Burn - Taylor Swift
- Our Song - Taylor Swift
- Mary's Song ( oh my my my) - Taylor Swift
- Cold As You
- I don't know what I want, so don't ask me Cause I'...
- Change - Taylor Swift
- The Best Day - Taylor Swift
- The way i loved you - Taylor Swift
- You're not sorry - Taylor Swift
- Tell Me Why - Taylor Swift
- Breathe - Taylor Swift
- You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
- White Horse - Taylor Swift
- Love Story - Taylor Swift
- Fifteen - Taylor Swift
- Fearless - Taylor Swift
- The Other Side Of The Door - Taylor Swift
- Superstar - Taylor Swift
- Come in with the rain - Taylor Swift
- Forever And Always - Taylor Swift
- Jump Than Fall - Taylor Swift
- Draw My Thing ( DMT )
- 6D
- 6 fakta menarik tentang Spongebob ( fav. cartoon !...
- Karakter orang yg lahir bulan DECEMBER ! ME :D
- New facebook bio and twitter bio
Life isn't how to survive the storm, it's about how to dance in the rain
- My Story (65)
- Random (19)
- Taylor Swift (88)
You've got every right ,to a beautiful life
you gotta keep your head up,but you can let your hair down
giving up doesn't always mean your weak sometimes your just strong enough to let go
your hands are tough but there mine belong in
Being FEARLESS isn't being 100% Not FEARFUL, it's being terrified but you jump anyway
i'm taking pictures in my mind so i can save them for a rainy day
Just be yourself, there is no one better
I Recomended getting your heart trampled to anyone
No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind
The lesson I've learned the most often in life is that you're always going to know more in the future than you know now
Cinderella said to Snow White "how did love get so off course?"
and for one desperate moment there ,he crept back in her memory
it took a while to understand the beauty of just letting go
i guess we're all the one phone call from our knees
i slept in castles and fell in love because i was taught to dream
Just because as human beings, what we can't have is what we reply in our head over and over again before we go to sleep
I took your matches before fire could catch me, so don't look now. I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town
Bring on all the pretenders
Keep calm and stay fearless♥
Be fearless or forever holding your fear
Delete the past , Upload today and, Download the future
Be fearless and never be afraid to Speak Now ;)
You can replace this text by going to "Layout" and then "Page Elements" section. Edit " About "
True friends will go on to the end of the world♥Friendship NEVER end ;)
If you're lucky,enough to be different,don't you ever change
a moment ,a love,a dream ,a laugh ,a kiss ,a cry ,our right, our wrongs
Love has a thousands faces
Remember me in ribbons and curls,love you barbie girl
Cause when i close my eyes,i'm somewhere with you
You better lose yourself in the music
i am just a dreamer ,but you're just a dream
money can't buy you back the love that you had then
Where i was born,where a was raised. Where i keep all my yesterdays
What time is it?
Today is...
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